Friday, June 5, 2009

TO: Redentor Paurom Tanginan

i ain't regretful of having you as my father. You were the one who helped my mom to give me a chance to experience life on earth. I was born because of your strongest sperm cell who was very determined to reach his goal. Did you really love her?.. well, my mom used to tell me negative things about you and never heard anything but all cautions. some of them were true and some were only my mom's ideas she would like to impart. . . xmpre she had a very bad experience with your relationship. mom were not treated right. Well, guys are all the same. They are just better on the First day.
I used to see my mother crying inside our room because of you. She seems strong and vulgar but she ain't really. You keep on telling me when i was young that someday i would realize that they were all lying about you. someday i would realize that you are nothing but a good father. I can never forget that. Because until now, it is still on my head. I'm trying to prove them wrong but what is happening now, seems like i was wrong how i used to look you up.
At night, before i sleep, i think of you. Thought you think of me. I laughed when i woke up one morning, i remembered my dream the other night how i missed you.
I cant blame you for everything that is happening right now.. Maybe you are not yet fully matured to stand with the right decision. I can understand that. Now we live separate lives. Like a strangers as if we never met. I don't know if you still care about me when you are already happy having jayboy and dynjy and your wife. Perfect family! i hope you will be as good as worst in reverse to us. From now on, I'm forgetting you and will move on. Life will lead me anywhere but to path you and will meet. So long! May you enjoy the life you chose.

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